Character In Islamic Education Formation of New Normal
This article describes how to shape children's character in the new normal era by providing various information involving educators, parents and people involved in the distance learning process. During the Covid 19 pandemic, we see online learning systems increasing rapidly in digital use. With the development of online learning that is done well, it can form a generation of good character in accordance with the ideals of national education. The existence of educators is also important to achieve these noble goals. Between educators, parents, and students there must be synergy as part of efforts to build the nation's character. Islamic education in the midst of digital flows will be the best defense and lead them to grow into a digital generation with character.
Character formation of children through two pedagogical processes, namely experience and training. Experience through the formation of religious values, creative, and independent. The formation of character values through the process of training in reading activities, making friends with direct communication, social care, hard work and love for the homeland. Second, character values form habits that show real efforts to practice these values in life. The conclusion of this study is that the formation of children's character requires support and cooperation from families, schools, and communities.
In terms, character is defined as human nature in general where humans have many characteristics that depend on their own life factors. Meanwhile, in the Indonesian Dictionary (2003:102) the word character is defined as character, psychological traits, morals or character that distinguish one person from another. According to Ki Hadjar Dewantara in Nur Uhbaiti (2005:10) character is character or character. Furthermore, he said that character is the union of thought, feeling, and will or will which is then generated by energy.
From the several definitions of character, it can be briefly opened that character is a stable attitude, character, personality as a result of a progressive and dynamic consolidation process. Referring to various understandings and definitions of education and character, it can simply be interpreted that character education is a conscious effort made by a person or group of people (educators) to internalize character values in another person (students) as enlightenment so that students know, and think and act morally in every situation. Many experts have expressed their opinions about character education, including Lickona (2004:12) who defines character education as a genuine effort to help someone understand, care and act on the basis of ethical values.
Explanation of the meaning of character education and moral education above, it can be said that the basic concept of character education in education comes from the plural form of khuluq quotes which according to language means character, temperament, behavior or character. The formulation of the notion of morality arises as a medium that allows a good relationship between Khaliq and creatures as well as between creatures and creatures.
As a business that is identical with religious teachings, it is necessary to explain that Islam was revealed by Allah SWT as a religion and life guidance for mankind in the world. Islam as a series of values is expected to be able to provide and prosper for all mankind. Islam does not only include all a handful of people and groups but also to the universe, as well as the embodiment of Islamic values that should be by humans, to humans who do not embrace Islam. The implementation of Islamic universal values was when the Apostle in Mecca al-Mukarramah brought changes to the value system of people's lives at that time. The universal values of Islam which are very fundamental in building an enlightened human life order in sustaining the belief system. And even in principle these values apply to all religions, especially in Islam.
Character education in Islam is unique and different from character education in the Western world. These differences include an emphasis on eternal religious principles, rules and laws in strengthening morality, different understandings of the truth, on moral autonomy as the goal of moral education, and the achievement of rewards in the hereafter as a motivation for moral behavior. The essence of these differences is the existence of divine revelation as the source and signs of character education in Islam. The differences above are due to different understandings of the beliefs held. In Islamic character education there are at least two values that need to be instilled in order to form good behavior and personality. The two values referred to in Islamic character education are Divine and Insaniyah values. Divine values in this case can be developed by experiencing the majesty and greatness of God through attention to the universe and all its contents, and to the surrounding environment.
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